Outdoor season is fun and exciting time. Being prepared is especially important as there is a considerable amount of time spent outside. While there are some items that you may never use it is always better to have the items and not need them, then to need them and not have them. The majority of the items on this list will be items that you can use each year.
Stay Ready
- A copy of your child’s birth certificate
- Your child’s AAU ID #
- Your child’s USATF ID #
Stay Safe
- First Aid Kit
- Pain Relievers (children’s & adult strength)
- Extra inhalers (for asthmatic children)
- Allergy medicine
- Sun screen
- Anti-Bacterial Soap
- Wipes
- Toilet Tissue
- Insect Repellent
Stay Dry & Warm, Comfortable & Cool
- Emergency bag with:
- A complete track outfit
- Hooded Sweatshirts
- Sweatpants
- Shorts
- Socks
- Undergarments
- Towels
- Blankets
- Ponchos/Raincoat
- Hats & Gloves
- Sunglasses
- Sun visors
- Tent Chairs
- Bleacher cushions
- Umbrellas
Stay Hydrated & Nourished
- Sizeable cooler – You may want to select a cooler that has wheels as they easier to transport.
- Non-perishable foods
- Water (lots of it)
- Sports drinks